Program gto_filter

The gto_filter filters numerical sequences using a low-pass filter.

For help type:

./gto_filter -h

In the following subsections, we explain the input and output paramters.

Input parameters

The gto_filter program needs two streams for the computation, namely the input and output standard. The input stream is a numeric file.

The attribution is given according to:

Usage: ./gto_filter [options] [[--] args]
or: ./gto_filter [options]

It filters numerical sequences using a low-pass filter.

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Basic options
< input.num Input numeric file (stdin)
> output.num Output numeric file (stdout)

-w, --windowsize= Window size (defaut 0)
-d, --drop= Discard elements (default 0.0)
-t, --windowtype= Window type (0=Hamm, 1=Hann, 2=Black, 3=rec) (default 0 (Hamm))
-c, --onecolumn Read from one column
-p, --printone Print one column
-r, --reverse Reverse mode

Example: ./gto_filter -w -d -t -c -p -r < input.num > output.num

An example of such an input file is:

1 1.77
5 2.18
10 2.32
15 3.15
20 2.52
25 4.43
30 1.23


The output of the gto_filter program is a numeric file, identical of the input.

Using the input above with the window size of 3, an output example for this is the following:

Got 7 entries from file
1 2.085
5 2.256
10 2.507
15 2.757
20 2.905
25 2.860
30 2.674