Program gto_info

The gto_info gives the basic properties of the file, namely size, cardinality, distribution percentage of the symbols, among others.

For help type:

./gto_info -h

In the following subsections, we explain the input and output paramters.

Input parameters

The gto_info program needs two streams for the computation, namely the input and output standard. The input stream is a file withou any specific format.

The attribution is given according to:

Usage: ./gto_info [options] [[--] args]
or: ./gto_info [options]

It gives the basic properties of the file, namely size, cardinality, distribution
percentage of the symbols, among others.

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Basic options
< input Input file (stdin)
> output Output read information (stdout)

-a, --ascii When active, the application shows the ASCII codes

Example: ./gto_info < input > output

Output example :
Number of symbols : value
Alphabet size : value
Alphabet : value
Symbol distribution:

An example of such an input file is:

>AB000264 |acc=AB000264|descr=Homo sapiens mRNA


The output of the gto_info program is a set of information related to the file read.

Using the input above, an output example for this is the following:

Number of symbols : 453
Alphabet size : 28
Alphabet :|srponmiedcaTRNHGCBA>=6420 \n
Symbol distribution:
| : 2 0.4415011
s : 3 0.66225166
r : 1 0.22075055
p : 1 0.22075055
o : 2 0.4415011
n : 1 0.22075055
m : 2 0.4415011
i : 1 0.22075055
e : 2 0.4415011
d : 1 0.22075055
c : 3 0.66225166
a : 2 0.4415011
T : 66 14.569536
R : 1 0.22075055
N : 1 0.22075055
H : 1 0.22075055
G : 117 25.827815
C : 131 28.918322
B : 2 0.4415011
A : 89 19.646799
> : 1 0.22075055
= : 2 0.4415011
6 : 2 0.4415011
4 : 2 0.4415011
2 : 2 0.4415011
0 : 6 1.3245033
: 4 0.88300221
\n : 5 1.1037528